Explore insights from women authors in our curated book collections and articles
If you’re looking for empowering narratives, we’re shining a light on book selections curated by notable figures. Dive into UK journalist Bryony Gordon’s recommendations, featuring her memoir, “Mad Woman,” or immerse yourself in the favorite reads of American romance writer Kennedy Ryan. Discover e-books and audiobooks showcasing strong female protagonists and valuable advice like Fern Brady’s “Strong Female Character,” Caroline Criado Perez’s “Invisible Women,” and Maggie O’Farrell’s “The Marriage Portrait.” Additionally, for younger readers, don’t miss our collection of children’s books centered around similar themes.
Our celebration of women’s voices reaches beyond the realm of literature. Female-led teams are making an impact across various industries, from crafting engaging games to streamlining daily routines.
Our editorial team had the privilege of interviewing Sue Khan, VP of Privacy and Data Security Officer at Flo Health, and Linda Jakobsson, Head of Story at Merge Mansion, to gain insights into their journeys as female pioneers in developing apps and games tailored for women. Both Sue and Linda are fervent advocates for driving positive change, whether through promoting resilient female characters or creating apps that empower women with essential health information.