Upon our initial publication of this guide in 2017, we evaluated four in-bed sleepers (compact, leg-free infant sleepers designed to be placed directly in an adult bed): the DockATot Deluxe+, which has since been issued a notice of violation by the CPSC due to reports of infant deaths associated with the product; the Snuggle Me Organic; the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper Deluxe (no longer available); and The First Years Close & Secure Sleeper (no longer available). At that time, we were concerned about the safety of some of these models, given well-known warnings against the use of crib bumpers and how some in-bed models have soft, bumper-like sides. However, we endorsed the now-discontinued SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper Deluxe, which had ventilated, non-padded sides. As expert opinion evolved, we reevaluated our stance and opted to test only those sleepers that adhere to CPSC safety standards, which in-bed sleepers do not.