Allyson Felix, the acclaimed track and field Olympian, brings a winning attitude to the latest Waze driving adventure. Instead of getting flustered by wrong turns or traffic delays, Allyson encourages us to view everyday tasks with a positive mindset, including driving.
Embark on your morning commute in Allyson’s personalized car, the “Freedom No Chains,” a 1985 BMW 325i painted in Olympic gold. Choose the “Purposeful” Mood feature to remind yourself that errors are not failures but opportunities for growth. Allyson will provide motivation during your journeys, such as, “Let’s focus on our purpose today. By understanding why we do things, we enhance our performance in all aspects of life.” She will also say, “Alright! It’s time to drive. Let’s maintain a growth mindset and make a series of wise choices to reach our goals.”
This unique driving experience is now accessible worldwide with voice directions available in English. Ensure you have the latest version of Waze and locate the Allyson Felix banner in the app’s left menu or activate it today through this link.